The Admission Process
We are excited that you have decided to apply for admission to Harmony Christian School! We have outlined the admission process below, to make navigating through the requirements simple and straightforward:
1. Information Request and Tour
Parents are encouraged to tour our facility and pick up an information packet. Tours can be scheduled for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between the hours of 9am-2pm (If these times do not work for you, we do offer flexibility). At the time of the tour, you will walk through the entire building and many of your questions will be answered along the way. At the close of the tour, you will receive your Information packet (grade appropriate) and will be asked which district you reside to discuss transportation (provided by your district if you live within a 15-mile radius). The finance secretary will be able to answer questions you may have regarding tuition/fees. There is an additional charge for students in need of an IEP or 504 plans.
2. Completing the Application
Upon completion of the two-page application, Student Personal Statement Form (students in 6th -12th grade), Statement of Faith and Pastor Recommendation Form (found below). The completed documents along with the $50 Application Fee ($35 for preschool) should be dropped off at the school office and an interview with the Administrator will be made. Students in need of an IEP will need to complete the Valley Central Request for Services Form (also below).
3. Interview with Administrator
Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.
The Head of School, Kevin Barry, meets with all families and all students entering grades 6-12, prior to their acceptance into Harmony Christian School. Mr. Barry will discuss the beliefs as outlined in our Biblical Communication Covenant and our Declaration of Faith. He will review the Student Personal Statement Form. The child’s needs will be discussed. It is essential that parents submit a copy of the most recent report cards/transcript and achievement test results from the prior school year.
4. Acceptance
If your child has been accepted into Harmony Christian School, you will be notified within one week of your interview by the school office. At this time the $150 registration fee will need to be paid and your tuition account with FACTS.
5. Final Documents
The office will inform you of any documents that may be outstanding which will include an Emergency Card, Student Birth Certificate, Request for Records, Dress Code Policy and Volunteer Sheet (each family is required to participate in 15 volunteer hours. If the 15 hours are not completed by the end of the school year, a charge will incur).
6. Sports
Students can usually participate in sports starting in 5th grade. This is subject to change depending on the amount of the students who sign up.
Fall: Co-ed Soccer
Winter: Basketball
Spring: Volleyball, Baseball
The following documents are required prior to participation: Valley Central School District Athletic Participation Form, Sports Requirements Permission Slip, and $125 Athletic Fee.
Downloadable Files
According to, Harmony Christian School is ranked #3 Best Private High Schools in Orange County, NY and #19 Best Christian High Schools in NY State.